Obituaries for September 2007

Frankston Area Obituaries — 1999-Present

Here are the obituaries posted for the current month from information provided courtesy of local and area funeral homes and published on their websites or those submitted by families. If an obituary is overlooked and it is desired that it be posted, please inform us at . Families may request changes or additions, if required. If you have an obituary for a person who has connections with someone or some family in the Frankston-Poynor-LaRue or Lake Palestine area that you want posted to this month or to the archives, and is not currently posted, please let us know at . Obituaries selected or submitted should follow a format which is essentially consistent with other obituaries posted here or by funeral homes and follow standard grammatical style. Through arrangements with funeral homes and/or the families, we will publish pictures with current obituaries. We will add pictures to archived obituaries from the print version of The Citizen newspaper prior to September 2019 when available. Pictures with archived obituaries posted after that will be added in cooperation with funeral homes or on requests from families.  As was the tradition of the Citizen newspaper, obituaries are published at no charge.

(Obituaries listed chronologically by date of death or funeral service.)

In order to reproduce obituaries for this month, it was necessary to utilize actual pages from digital versions of the newspapers published during this month instead of reproducing individul obituaries. Links are provided to access these newspaper pages from The Frankston Citizen which contain the obituaries published each week.

Obituaries from the September 6 Edition of The Frankston Citizen:


Obituaries from the September 13 Edition of The Frankston Citizen:


Obituaries from the September 20 Edition of The Frankston Citizen:


Obituaries from the September 27 Edition of The Frankston Citizen:



Click HERE !